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Welcome to the Cache Hikers Website 

Hikes are scheduled for most weekends from mid-May to mid-October, and winter trips are scheduled from January to mid March.  Participants meet at the southwest corner of the Smith's Marketplace parking lot at 750 North Main Street in Logan, Utah.  Unless noted otherwise (below), the meeting time is 8:00 a.m. for summer hikes and 10:00 a.m. for winter trips.  Participants should bring food, water, and appropriate clothing.

It is the participant’s responsibility to be sure the trip is within his/her ability and stamina, and to have adequate equipment, including gear for weather, sun, and insects (for winter trips, trail crampons ("cleats" or "spikes") may be useful if conditions are not suitable for skis or snowshoes). Please contact the trip leader for more information.

The 2023 edition of Cache Trails is now available! Edited by Dave Wallace and illustrated by Margaret Pettis, the 2006 Cache Trails: A hiking guide for the trails of Cache Valley, Utah, has been completely updated for 2023, with new illustrations and maps. Several more trails have been added, with up-to-date trail data and detailed descriptions for each of the 53 designated hikes. User-friendly features now include an index, lists of "favorite hikes," elevation profiles, and GPS coordinates. With sturdy pages and rounded corners, it should be a welcome addition to any hiker's backpack. It's currently available at the Cache Valley Visitors Bureau, the Logan Ranger District, The Sportsman, the Island Market, USU's Outdoor Program, and through the book's publisher, Bridgerland Audubon Society.

PictureOur friends at Nordic United provide groomed non-motorized winter trails and they support backcountry activities. Their website has a map of winter trails and information about non-motorized areas and how to report violations.   

Upcoming Cache Hikers Events (download printable schedule)
16 February 2025 (Sunday)
Ski/Snowshoe at Tony Grove Creek
The Cache Hikers will host a winter trip to Tony Grove Creek on Sunday. This is a moderate snowshoe/cross-country ski activity, about 5 miles round trip with 900 feet of elevation as we follow Tony Grove Creek along an old roadway, with an expected return about 3:00 p.m.
Dave W, 435-750-5913, email Dave W
23 February, 2025 (Sunday)
Ski/Snowshoe at White Pine Ridge
The Cache Hikers will host a winter trip to White Pine Ridge on Sunday. This is a moderately strenuous cross-country ski or snowshoe activity, about 5 miles with 800 feet of elevation gain. The route climbs southwest to the ridge, with views of upper Logan Canyon and lower White Pine creek, and an expected return about 4:00 p.m.
Dan, 435-757-7815, email Dan
2 March, 2025 (Sunday)
Ski/Snowshoe at Swan Flat Road
The Cache Hikers will host a winter trip from the Logan Canyon “UDOT Sheds” on Sunday. This is a moderate snowshoe or cross-country ski activity of 3 miles and 500 feet of elevation, ascending the east side of Amazon Hollow and returning via the groomed Swan Flat forest road, with an expected return about 3:00 p.m. Susan, 435-770-2478, email Susan

Recent Trips, Winter 2025

(Summer 2024)

(Winter 2024)

 (Summer 2023)

(Winter 2023)

(Summer 2022)

(Winter 2022)

(Summer 2021)

 (Winter 2021)

(Summer 2020)

 (Winter 2020)

Previous Trip Reports (includes all reports since 2012)

Email Cache Hikers for more information
Email Webmaster to report website bugs


11 February, 2025