

Coldwater Loop, 28 July, 2024

Trip Summary:
  • 9 Hikers: Brent, Dave P, Dave W, David W, Dean, Deb, Jane, Kamren, Ralph
  • 28 miles to Tony Grove backcountry trail head parking lot
  • Started hike at 8:50am
  • At 10:24am, the group split at the Bear Hollow Trail junction (mile 1.5) with Dean and Jane heading west past Coldwater Spring to overlook Tony Grove, while the remainder of the group heading south towards Hansen Pond.
  • Recent heavy equipment work at Hansen Pond was evident with the clearing of the pond, and the creation of a new pond a short distance to the south.
  • At 11:14am and 3 miles, Dave W left the south-bound group at the junction of the Hansen Pond and Blind Hollow trails, and headed toward Coldwater Spring via the Hansen Pond Trail.  The remainder of the group continued west along the Blind Hollow trail.
  • At 12:10pm and 4.1 miles, the now west-bound group stopped for lunch along the Mount Naomi Wilderness.  About the same time, Jane and Dean radioed that they were leaving Coldwater Spring to meet back with Dave W at the intersection (see http://www.cachehikers.org/Reports/Coldwater/Huggers2020.jpg).
  • After lunch, the larger group hiked northwards, roughly traced the Naomi Wilderness boundary, and traveled an additional 2.9 miles to Coldwater Spring.
  • Passing the spring, the larger group split one last time, with 2 hikers descending the steep horse trail towards the campground, and the remaining 4 hiking back past the "tree hugging pond" to the trail head.
  • Both remaining groups met at the trailhead, completing the hike at 2:26pm.
  • Hiked about 7.4 miles with 1800 feet of ascent (5.4 miles with 1400 feet of ascent for Dave and 4.5 miles with 900 feet of ascent for Dean and Jane)

Thanks to David for the text, David, Dave P, Dave W and Ralph for photos, and David, Dave W and Ralph for GPS data.

Nine Cache Hikers, near the trailhead

The Hansen Pond Trail featured two recently excavated ponds

Looking over Cottonwood Canyon to Mount Elmer
 Hiking on the ridge west of Blind Hollow
A limestone surface on the ridge trail

Lunch near the Wilderness boundary

The new trail signs
Large trees occasionally blocked the trail

Flowing water at Coldwater spring
"Scarlet" gilia

Mountain dandelion

Two species of geranium

Indian paintbrush
Jacobs ladder


Whipple's penstemon

Vultures circling overhead!

Our GPS track shows about 7.4 miles and 1800 feet of ascent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.