
Jardine Juniper (Wood Camp Hollow), June 16, 2013

Seven Cache Hikers led by Susan B. made the trek to the famous Jardine (Rocky Mountain) Juniper tree in Logan Canyon via the scenic side of the loop at the top of the hike.  Hikers included, Jane E., Dave W., Dave P., Kathy C., Denis, Stephanie, and Alex. The hike began at about 8:40am. A beautiful cool morning with blue skies greeted us at the trailhead. Many wildflowers were still blooming. Dave W. took a number of pictures of wildflowers. Of note, were many "elkweed" (AKA giant gentian, monument plant) blooming near the start of the trail. Other wildflowers included, Jacob's ladder, sticky geranium, Scarlet gilia, Oregon grape, service berry, snow bush, chokecherry, Wasatch penstemon, bastard toadflax, heartleaf arnica, strawberry, blue clematis, coral root orchid, wild sweet pea, and arrowleaf balsamroot among others.

The hikers ate lunch at the bench below the Jardine Juniper in the shade and returned via the shady forest route. Total mileage was 10 miles with about 6 hours of hiking. We returned to Logan before 3PM.

Thanks to Susan for the narrative and Dave W. for the photos.

Cache Hikers on the Jardine Junper trail
Cache Hikers along the Jardine Juniper trail


Frasera speciosa (Elkweed, Green Gentian, Monument plant, etc.)

Northern Sweetvetch
Northern Sweetvetch

Blue Clematis
Jardine Juniper


Coral Root Orchid
Coral Root Orchid

  Wild Hyacinth (Brodiaea)

Yellow columbine
Yellow Columbine

Scarlet Gilia
Scarlet Gilia

Log on "shady route"

The trail was in great shape - the only problem we encountered was this log over trail on the "shady route" loop.

Jardine Juniper GPS route

Our GPS track showed approximately 10 miles with about 2900 feet of elevation

Here is a satellite view of our route, from Google