Shorty's Cutoff, 30 June, 2024
Trip Summary:
- 18 Cache
Hikers: Deanna, Dan, Kamren, Dave W, Jane,
Ralph, Brent L, Brent J, Dave P, Andy, Jairong,
Mitchell, Bree, Darcie, Laurel, Derek, Susan and
Catherine (leader)
- Drove 28
miles to Steep Hollow, where hikers waited for drivers
to stage their cars for the end of the trip.
- Started
hiking about 9:20. Six hikers went up the old
trail (see map, below) while the others walked up the
Steep Hollow road.
- Turned off
on the Shorty's Cutoff Trail about 10:15, lunch 11:50
- 12:20 at a "bottle tree", arrived at the Steam Mill
Trail about 12:45 and the trailhead about 2:30 (and
waited for the drivers to retrieve their cars from
Steep Hollow).
- Pleasant
temperatures, clear skies and calm winds
- Hiked about
7 miles with 1300 feet of ascent and 1800 feet of
to Catherine, Bree, Dave P, and Dan for photos, and
Dave W for photos and GPS data.