Home Mill Hollow, 18 February, 2024 14 Cache Hikers met at Smith's Marketplace on a snowy Sunday morning to hike or snowshoe a loop from Spring Hollow Campground to Mill Hollow, Bridger Campground and back. We arranged carpools and headed for the trail users/fisherman's parking at Spring Hollow. We were pleased to find Laurel and her dog Zinnia patiently awaiting our arrival. It was snowing lightly as we started up through the campground to the "new trailhead" near the bridge. Overnight snow had decorated the trees in white lace. Clouds dimmed the light and it felt like we were walking through a muted water color painting. Several of us hiked in boots and cleats as the trail was somewhat packed, but not always smooth. Those of us on snowshoes packed the trail up Mill Hollow to our "lunch" spot, easing the way for those in boots. The weather had warmed a little as we returned to the bottom of Mill Hollow and the precipitation was a wintry mix of wet snow and rain. Wind was blowing up the canyon and this unpleasant combination of conditions caused us to abandon the walk down to Bridger Campground. Instead, we opted to shorten the hike by dropping straight down to the river trail and back to our cars. Many members of the group met at El Toro Viejo for an enjoyable lunch and social time. Trip Summary:
to Brent for the narrative and photos, Ralph and Bree
for photos, and Dave W for photos and GPS data. |