

Bunchgrass Ski/Snowshoe, 13 February, 2022

Thirteen people enjoyed the sunny outing: Susan, Jane, Kathy, Ralph, Laurel, David, Michelle, Robert, Brent, and Dave P (leader) on snowshoes; Dave W, Chris and Teresa on skis; and dog Zinnia on all-terrain paws.  The heavy snow we received 6 weeks ago had morphed into an icy pastry of crust and sugary mush.  Uphill climbing was not bad although even the snowshoers broke through occasionally, and we observed postholes where someone's boots had broken through even on the packed trail.  The biggest challenge was adjusting clothing to minimize sweat.  We observed numerous old geological slumps on the south-facing slope that the snow cover and lack of foliage made more visible.

We had lunch in the sun and a slight breeze at Goring pond (empty now except for snow).  Zinnia made her displeasure known at a dog loosely associated with some people going up to the yurt. Dave W measured a snow depth of 100 cm, which was deep enough to cover the stream and springs except in four places along the route.

Chris and Teresa climbed a bit farther to enjoy more skiing in the open bowl.  “Enjoy” might be an exaggeration— skiing was a challenge.  All skiers made a cautious descent and one kept kicker skins on to slow the slide.

Overall the outing was not an epic adventure but a pleasant walk and talk.

Trip Summary:
  • 13 human participants and one dog: Susan, Jane, Kathy, Ralph, Laurel, David, Michelle, Robert, Brent, and Dave P (leader) on snowshoes; Dave W, Chris and Teresa on skis; and dog Zinnia on all-terrain paws
  • Drove 23 miles to the Bunchgrass parking area along US-89 in Logan Canyon
  • Started out about 10:45, Lunch near Goring Pond 12:10 - 12:50, back at the trailhead at 1:50
  • Clear skies, warm temperatures (mid 30s to 40s) and a light breeze
  • About 3.8 miles and 800 feet of ascent & descent

Thanks to Dave P. for the narrative and photos, Jane and Ralph for photos and Dave W. for photos and GPS data.

Starting out at lower Bunchgrass Creek
Crossing Bunchgrass Creek (compare with previous years, 2021 and earlier)
The trail was well-tracked, hard-packed and icy Heading up the trail
Our lunch spot near Goring Pond
"Chicken Hill" (left) and "White Pine Knob" (right) were visible to the northwest from our Goring Pond location
Looking east
Looking east before heading down the trail (Peter Sinks lies beyond the ridge on the skyline)
The open terrain and firm snow encouraged people to spread out on the way down
We saw this bird's nest in a small aspen tree
Our GPS track shows about 3.8 miles and 750 feet of ascent.
You can look at our route using Google Earth or download our GPS file.